Wednesday 16 May 2012

Alfresco 4 - Alfresco in the Cloud

Alfresco as an Enterprise Content Management System has done a significant job by adding below stated features in Alfresco 4 beside managing content of all sorts in an organisation.

In Alfresco 4 some of the striking features are:
  • Alfresco Mobile.
  • Social Interaction. Example "like content", "follow other users" etc.
  • Alfresco integration with productivity apps like Microsoft Office, GoogleDocs etc.
  • Publishing content to social media channels right from Alfresco.
  • Alfresco in the Cloud.

Outstanding feature that amused me is Alfresco in the cloud and i would like to share some information about it in this blog.
Alfresco in the cloud is in Beta as if now but it is all set to be implemented in any organisation. Alfresco in the cloud is expected to emerge out of beta period in late spring 2012. Geting started with Alfresco in the cloud is absolutely easy on your pocket as it is a Free resource. 
Once you sign-up, you join your company's private collaboration network. You need your company email id for signup. Each company collaboration network starts with 10GB of storage for free (that's potentially thousands of documents) and unlimited users from your company domain. You can set-up as many content collaboration 'sites' as you would like (you set-up sites for projects, teams or content groupings).

Alfresco in the cloud is like a Shared drive on steroid which enables you to :
  • Drag and drop upload document of any type.
  • Preview files in the browser itself .
  • Start tasks and simple workflows.


Alfresco in the cloud makes your tablet behave like a Mobile Workspace. One can access their document across the globe and round the clock.

Alfresco is emerging as a "profit profit" deal as it provide free iPhone and iPad apps.

At last i would conclude that in today's world of mobility Alfresco Cloud could be seen as one of the most important and significant step taken by the Alfresco team.

Its a complete gourmet treat to techies and corporates